Legal Notices

This website is published by BOTS, BRIC – BoRdeaux Institute of onCology – Inserm U1312 – University of Bordeaux, a French public research organization. has been designed by OnlineCreation.

Contact Information

BOTS, BRIC – Bordeaux Institute of Oncology – Inserm U1312 – University of Bordeaux
Bâtiment Bordeaux Biologie Santé
2 Rue Dr Hoffmann Martinot
33000 Bordeaux, France
Tel: +33 (0) 5 57 57 95 02

SIRET Number

University of Bordeaux SIRET number: 13001835100010

VAT Number

BOTS depends on the University of Bordeaux, a French public institution. Therefore, there is no VAT number.

Publication Director

Salomé Huart


224 boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
SIRET number: 510 909 80700024

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This website does not collect personal data from its users. The only form of information collection is the contact form, where data is sent by email to the site manager and kept for the time necessary for their processing. You can visit the website without having to identify yourself. The website does not use tracking cookies. The server keeps a connection log recording the IP address, date and time of visit, requested resource and User-Agent of the visitor.

Intellectual Property

All rights reserved. Some photos come from the website The Interreg Atlantic Area logo belongs to Interreg Atlantic Area, a program of the European Union.